
Illinois Concealed Carry

On July 9, 2013, Public Act 98-63, the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, became Illinois state law (430ILCS66). You can read the full law here. The initial Illinois Concealed Carry law created many questions as to what type of training would be required, the length of training, and what prior training would be given credit towards obtaining your permit. This list gives the amount of hours that will be credited as prior training. In addition to the courses listed, if you have been Honorably Discharged from the military and have a DD-214, you will receive credit for 8 hours of prior training. Please note that the law says "up to" 8 hours of credit. For example, if you have already taken the NRA Basic Pistol course and are an Army veteran, you would only receive 8 hours total and would still need to take the required 8 hour Concealed Carry Law course. In other words, the maximum amount of credit you can receive is 8 hours.

The Illinois State Police has a 12 page PDF on Frequently Asked Questions.

Concealed Carry Renewal Course

The 3 hour renewal course will be made available later this summer, cost will be $50 and will include range time to requalify. Check back for upcoming dates.